Steps to Finding a Suitable Career

Searching for a job can be a difficult and long-lasting process. A good preparation and education are vital to job hunting. It is extremely important that we start preparing ourselves for future jobs already in secondary school. A fact is that for us, 2.D class students, the time when we will have to decide on what we want to do for the rest of our lives is approaching really fast and we are aware that finding the right path and the right profession is very difficult. Nevertheless, we believe that it is not impossible to get it right. We hope that you will find some of the advice on our blog useful when you decide on your future studies and career path.


Step 1: Identify your skills and interests.

The first step is to identify our strengths.The analysis of our skills and ambitions can be done in different ways. There are a lot of websites that offer diverse questionnaires on interests and personality characteristics. Based on your answers you get the information on suitable studies or professions.

Here are the links to some of them:

One of the most important questions an individual should ask him- or herself is: "What would I like to do in life if money was no problem?" Unfortunately, it happens far too often that youngsters decide on a particular study because of available jobs or pressure from their parents, relatives, or peers. In a lot of cases a decision based on the beforementioned reasons leads to dissatisfaction and dropping out of school. Therefore it is crucial to think about what really makes you happy and which profession would suit you. Think about your strengths and hobbies that you have. You can even turn one of your hobbies into a profession, which would make you feel satisfied. Talk about your interests and skills with your family, friends, teachers and a school counsellor. The more information you have about yourself the easier it will be to decide on a profession.

Once you realise what your interests are, check different job descriptions in detail. It is important to be aware of both advantages and disadvantages of a profession. Details matter. Pay attention to the money you can get - to you want to become a millionaire or just make enough money to be able to provide for your family? Check out the possibilities of employment in your city, country or abroad. What are the basic demands for a particular job? Think about whether you could meet those demands during your studies or is it going to be too much for you.

Here are links to different webpages where you can find job descriptions:


It is also necessary to be willing to get in touch with people who work in a position of your interest. Ask them about the qualities and skills needed for their line of work and write them down. Make sure you know what the criteria for enrolment to universities are. Do you have enough points to get accepted? Which subjects do you have to take at Matura (school-leaving exam)? What should your average be like? Can you do something in your free time that would serve as a reference when you wnat to enrol? Experience matters; voluntary work is highly appreciated. You might want to think about some extra schooling (you should also ask about different scholarships that enable you to pay for your studies). If there is a possibility, try doing different jobs. You can apply for an internship, a summer or part-time job.

If you click on»Different Professions« you can find a lot of useful information on the following professions:


Step 2: Prepare your documents and adjust your social image.

Once you find some interesting professions and studies it is time to prepare your CV. It is advisable that you start preparing your CV already in secondary school and include all of the activities you took part in, as well as all of the certificates and references you got.

Here is the link to a webpage where you can start preparing your CV and that can help you not only in Slovenia but also all over Europe.


You can also get information on international student exchange, learning of foreign languages, vacancies, etc. on this page. It is important that you are aware of the importance of putting personal information online even from an early age. This applies especially to social networks where people would publish anything. Keep in mind that your future employer will check different social networks to get a thorough insight into what kind of a person you are and how you behave, so be careful when it comes to putting photographs or your own personal opinions on-line. 

Step 3: Work hard and never give up!

Be patient and do not give up in spite of difficults. Making your dreams come true takes some time and is gradual. There are a lot of people searching for jobs nowadays and the competition is fierce. Try to find a job on-line, read advertisements in newspapers, talk to friends. You can even send your CV directly to different companies. Get references from people your worked for during the summer or were an intern at their company. Also try to get a reference from one or more of your secondary school teachers or professors at university, as well as from people in charge in any other organization where you worked voluntarily or something similar.

When you are invited for your first interview you need to be prepared. Here is the link where you can read some tips on what a good job interview should be like:

Your first interview...

Being rejected is part of the process. Do not take it too hard on yourself; try to make the best of it - learn from your own mistakes. If, on the other hand, you are successful and you get a job that you want, keep in mind that you will have to work hard and that there will be good and bad days, yet you should not let the latter deter you from your dreams. If you made the right decision and the right job and you enjoy doing it, then even small obstacles will not stop you on your way.

These are just some basic steps. If you want more details, check out the links below: