Involve Me and I Learn Project

During the school years 2014/15 and 2015/16  students from the at-the-time 1.D  and 2.D class took part in an international project Erasmus+ Involve Me & I Learn, which included 6 different countries (Finland, Iceland, Italy, Spain, Greece and Slovenia). 

Participating cities & countries

It was a European project that lasted for 2 years and whose main goals were to compare the school systems (to find out what the differences between the education systems of the participating countries are), to prepare a good practice guide and a career guide.

During the project the students carried out different activities under the supervision and guidance of teachers; such as:

•    the preparation of Powerpoint presentations about the participating countries and presenting them in front of a camera,
•    the preparation and the selection of the logo of the project,
•    preparing a mutual website and blog,
•    meeting other students via a social network - Skype,
•    the preparation of a video about the Slovenian school system, the school life and work at Gimnazija Vič,
•    working with the application SMORE and the preparation of flyers about books,
•    the organization of the international student meeting in Ljubljana and attending the meeting in Trieste in March 2015,
•    attending the international student meeting in Iceland in September 2015,
•    the preparation and the execution of the Involve me & I learn day, which took place in all of the participating countries on Friday, 27th November 2015.

Involve me and I learn day

Involve me and I learn day

Involve me and I learn day

•    attending the international student meeting in Greece in February 2016,
•    preparing the platform WIKI,
•    preparing the blog of 2.D class,

•    attending the international student meeting in Spain in May 2016. 

Our BLOG - in Slovene and English

In June 2016 we presented the final results of our project to the students and staff at Gimnazija Vič and our parents.

Because preparing a career guide is part of our project, we started with this blog, in which we wrote about what the steps to a dream job are. We hope that the advice given will also be helpful to you.


PPT presentations about the participating countries

I&L web page

I&L blog

I&L video about our school

Gimnazija Vič Open Day - February 2015

SMORE flyers on books

Report on the international meetings in Ljubljana and Trieste

Report on the international meeting in Iceland

I&L day at Gimnazija Vič (in Slovene)

I&L day at Gimnazija Vič

Report on the international meeting in Elefsina 

Report on the international meeting in Cartagena 


Country Presentation: Slovenia

Country Presentation: Italy

Country Presentation: Iceland

Country Presentation: Greece

Country Presentation: Finland

Country Presentation: Spain

Gimnazija Vič (presentation):

'Involve me and I learn' day at Gimnazija Vič:

Translated by Ilija Mukaetov