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As a cross-curricular connection between ICT and English we divided into groups according to our interests - we chose a profession that is of our interest and searched for information about studying, working conditions and employment possibilities. The whole text is in Slovene, with the exception of abstracts that are in English. After getting all of the necessary information, we started working on webpages on each of the professions. Below you can find only abstracts; if you want to see the whole webpage, click on the links.
Source: ZPTM Brežice |
A LAWYER is a professional who is qualified to offer advice about the law or represent someone in legal matters. A lawyer can handle all sorts of legal matters from drafting wills to patent claims to defending people against criminal charges. Qualified lawyers have to attend law school and pass a bar exam in order to practice law. The word "lawyer" means the one who practices the law. "Law" means something laid down or fixed. If you want to become a lawyer in Slovenia, you have to finish law school and pass a law state exam and then you need four more years of practice.
AN ACTOR is someone who portrays a character in a theater play. The actor can perform in a theater and also in modern media such as film, radio and television. The actor's interpretation of their role pertains to the role played, whether based on a real person or fictional character. If you want to be a real actor, you have to go to the school of acting. You have many different schools of acting in the world but the concept of them is actually the same. You have to show some special abilities. But if you are not accepted to one of these schools, you can also play and acquire experiences in amateur theaters or some theater schools.
Špela Brkinjač - 2. D class student - on stage |
If you want to become A CRIMINOLOGIST (= a person who investigates crimes and tries to find and denounce a culprit of a crime), you first have to become a policeman. There are 2 types of policemen. The first type are those who do fieldwork and these are mostly people who only finished high school. The second type are policemen who work in an office and they usually finished the faculty of law, economy or computer science. In a police station there are also people who work in labs such as forensic scientists, who finished the faculty of biology, chemistry or even physics. You also need only the Slovenian citizenship, which means you cannot have a dual citizenship. You also need to pass a test which includes sprinting and long distance running. So after years of being a policeman (usually the one that works in the field), you can apply for a special criminology class, which includes a theoretical part, for example law, criminology, psychology... and a practical part that includes training of different types of self-defence techniques, exercises for body strength and good condition, shooting...
The job of A VETERINARIAN is very beautiful, because you are able to help animals. But sometimes it is also hard and it requires a strong personality. A veterinarian is able to deal with difficult situations. The veterinary studies last for 6 years. Continuous training in this area is crucial. Professional veterinarian is employable in various fields of food industry, in veterinary clinics and in some areas of the pharmaceutical industry.
To become AN ARCHITECT in Slovenia you have to first finish studies at the Faculty of Architecture or an architecture course at the university of Ljubljana. The profession requires a person to be skilled in drawing and to have a sense for esthetics. It also requires them to work with others while still being able to take matters into their own hands and finish a project on their own. Having advanced social skills is always welcome as the job requires a lot of interaction with customers, some of whom might not be pleasant. Employers also value drawing skills, a unique imagination and previous experience with both drawing and using computers.
Applying to college can be a stressful experience, but with some guidelines and help from others, you can have a pleasant experience even if you are planning to STUDY ABROAD. The purpose of this abstract is to present my opinion on how to decide for the right study abroad. Unfortunately, I do not have any personal experience, but I am really interested in studying abroad. That is why I have already read a lot of information about what to expect when moving to a foreign country. The best advice I can give you is to be curious, and seek opinions and information relevant to you. You can find almost everything on-line.
Being A CHEMIST is a fascinating and interesting occupation. Chemists are needed in many different science fields – consequentially there is a vast variety of jobs for someone who wants to become one. You can work in a laboratory or never get your hands dirty at all. You can do experiments and discover the yet unknown laws of science or teach the younger generation about what you already know. The possibilities are almost infinite. But before you get there, before you even start thinking about your job, you have to finish the required schools. The first possibility is to go to a secondary school for chemistry and become a chemistry technician or, alternatively, go to faculty and acquire a bachelor's degree, a master’s degree or even a doctorate. Once you have got the title you want, you can start looking for your dream job.
The word pedagogue appeared from the Greek word paidagōgós.
PEDAGOGYhas to deal with education, upbringing and relations. It removes the problems like influence of parents on their children. In general it deals with children and people who do not have extensive knowledge. It campaigns for fairer and more democratic education and for the use of education in pedagogy and parental upbringing as a basis of social reproduction.
A pedagogue should be a person who is patient, communicative, strict and a person who likes spending time and working with children. This type of work should be done by people who are creative and motivated. Creativity and happiness are the basic values or characteristics that that kind of person should have. Loyalty to community is the value that should also be developed by teacher.
A PSYCHOTHERAPIST is a person who tries to help people who suffer from different causes like fears, eating disorders, depression and other mental disorders. The aim of psychotherapy is to relieve the individual's situation by teaching them to controll their inner conflicts. A person who wants to become a psychotherapist has to be understanding and tolerant. He needs the ability to empathise with the patient and ease his hard and painful experiences. The constant exploring of the patient's problems mustn't burden him so he has to be very patient. He must be eager to learn new things and upgrade his knowledge by looking for alternative ways of helping his patient. An important thing is also that he knows himself well, so he can treat his pacients impartially. He has to have a high level of concentration and good psychophysical abilities, so it is recommended to regularly practise sport.
A GENETIC (as referred to a scientist in this field of advanced study of medicine) usually works in a laboratory or medical related research laboratory or an institution. This is very dedicated, focused and bright idea bringing to reality work that takes a whole person who needs to be ready for lifelong learning and trendy education. Every day somewhere in the world something unique and different is discovered in the area of new science of genes and genetics. There is a long way to get into this field of knowledge to start enjoying. That means a lot of readiness and performing work to get in touch with limits first and consistently further on to match personal knowledge with limits of already discovered points, to be capable to gain new discoveries. Beside that genetics laboratory is the place for determination and practice discovered mainly disabilities related to several diseases, related to genetics issues a person can face during different available treatments in a hospital as an example. Future in genetics shows many possibilities for people with some difficulties to come closer to well treated or even recovered DNA.
A PHARMACIST can work in a pharmacy, industry, he provides medicine to doctors, sells them worldwide and takes care of marketing. A pharmacist should be able to work in a team or a group; he or she has to be nice and honest to their customers. They should be interested in biology, chemistry, mathematics and physics. The job is sometimes stressful and hard but you get a very good salary. A pharmacist should know the structure of medicines, their effectiveness and what happens when we consume them. They have to check every produced sample of medicine. A pharmacist uses special glasses and clothes for safe working conditions.
SURGERY is a medical specialty that uses operative techniques on patients to cure diseases and injuries. A surgeon has to be focused, intelligent, have the ability to make major decisions fast and emotionally strong enough to deal with possible failure and death that is part of the job. Even though ambitious medicine students often expect high payment that is not always the case and the average monthly salary is lower than one would predict. In order to get into the Medicine Programme at the University of Ljubljana, you need high grades in the 3rd and 4th year of high school and a great score at Matura. They accept around 150 students yearly and there are always twice or more too many applicants.
HISTORY is a study of our past. It is important to investigate it, because with the knowledge of history we can create a better future. If we have the knowledge, we are capable of analytical, critical and in-depth view on our history. Besides, we can recognize modern political and social actions and critically value them.
PHYSIOTHERAPISTS' work is to improve the patient's physical health after suffering from an injury, illness, disability or just ageing. Patients are not necessarily old people, but can also include children, stroke patients and people with sports injuries. While treating the patients, physiotherapists improve or return them their motoric abilities during participating in their rehabilitation. We know quite a lot of methods of treating patients but the most common ones are manual therapy, therapy that involves water, electrotherapy, kinesiotherapy and thermotherapy. To become a physiotherapist in Slovenia you have to complete a three-year undergraduate education program at Visoka šola za zdravstvo. After that you can start searching for a job in educational institutions, private clinics, sports clubs and institutes, spas, in the industry and so on. But you also need some qualities to become a good physiotherapist, such as physical strength, accuracy, very good touch, perception of changes in body position and movement, social skills and abilities in bonding with people.