Artificial Intelligence & Jobs


In the school year 2015/16 we had to prepare articles on Artificial Intelligence at our ICT lessons. In connection with English and career orientation we were curious about the ways people will be able to get employed in the field of AI in the future. The abstracts of our articles in English are published below; if you want to read full articles, click on the links, but keep in mind that the articles are in Slovene.  

Nanotechnology - VERONIKA BRAČIČ

Nanotechnology is manipulation of matter on an atomic, molecular, and supramolecular scale. The perks of materials that are constructed from nanostructures are distinguished by their low densities and their exceptional strength. These materials are widely used in different fields like chemistry, medicine, agriculture and many more. With nanotechnology we can develop nanorobots that are very useful in medicine because they can reach places that the human doctors cannot. Their weakness is that the method of producing them is hard and long-term. Maybe in the future we will find a way to improve them.
Key words: nanotechnology, strength, nanorobots, science, nanoscale, many usages



I am going to introduce a chess playing computer named Deep Blue. On 11 May 1997 Deep Blue defeated the world champion Garry Kasparov. Kasparov accused IBM (the inventor) of cheating and demanded a repetition of the game but IBM retired the computer. I will present the functioning of Deep Blue, the difference between an ordinary computer chess player and the chess game in which a man was defeated by a computer.


We cannot deny that artificial intelligence is becoming a greater part of our everyday lives every second. We can see progress from day to day. We are evolving, improving and perfecting the way we programme machines and programs in order for them to function independently. We are lending them our knowledge in the hope that they will further improve it. But how did it all start? After all, it is the roots of the tree that enable the tree to grow and stand tall. This is what I discussed in my IT project and hopefully I swept away some of the misconceptions of this vast and interesting subject.


A drone is a pilotless airplane that is usually controlled by a remote. A simpler definition would be a flying robot. They also have another name: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles – UAVs. There are different types: Aeroplane-like drones that look like the regular passenger airplanes, but they are used for military purposes (air attacks). A helicopter drone is mostly used for spraying harvest, because they can hold a large amount of chemicals. A quadcopter has 4 propellers that are run by battery powered motors. They are used for filming movies, taking air pictures… Micro pilotless planes are very little. Their size varies from the size of a human palm, to the size of a human fingertip. Some were designed to look like bugs to supervise criminals.The line between the good and the bad side of drones is very thin. Experts say we should be careful, but this thing is not new to us. Tracking and hacking into our privacy started way back, when satellite maps and mobile telephony were invented. Besides that they say that drone usage could possibly break the human rights such as the right to dignity, freedom and protest. Another concern is that drones will substitute humans. This could result in the reduction of jobs. The mass usage of drones in the military industry began in 2000. In the future, drones will become more and more automatized. This might have a terrible consequence – the domination of weapon systems over human decisions. Despite the negative sides of drones, innovators have found useful ways of using them. In the future, they are planned to substitute bees, because they are soon to be extinct. They will also appear in art and music.

Artificial Intelligence in videogames - ROK CASERMAN

Artificial intelligence is one of the key components of today’s video games. The roots of game AI go all the way back to the first computer to beat human in a game of chess. That computer is called Deep Blue. Before we go any further we must note that for games we usually use the term game AI and not just AI by itself.  The reason for quick development of game AI is the rapid improvement of computer systems. If we have better computers, we can play better games that require better game AI. With today’s processing power we can achieve some pretty amazing results such as game AI being able to evolve just by analysing player moves. As for the future goes we don't really know what is going to happen. Overall the area of expansion is limitless and in the near future we might just not be able to differ real people from AI.

Machine learning - PIA KOKELJ

Machine learning is the science of getting computers to act without being explicitly programmed or in general, a subfield of computer science. Using algorithms that automatically learn from data, it allows computers to find hidden insights without being explicitly programmed where to look. The process of machine learning is similar to that of data mining - both systems search through data to look for patterns. Machine learning is so common today that you probably use it dozens of times a day without knowing it. It is usually divided into three categories: supervised, unsupervised and reinforcement learning, but the difference between them is in the way of representing learning techniques to a learning programme. In the past decade, machine learning has given us practical speech recognition, effective web search, self-driving cars, and improved understanding of the human genome.

What is a robot? – LEA LANGUS

A robot is a machine controlled by a computer and programmed to independently perform certain tasks. They are most commonly used in industry or to make your everyday or work life easier. They are used to carry out bomb or space exploration. Some robots are advanced; they have a built-in sensor for detecting sounds, light, or colours of objects. Such a robot that works with the help of artificial intelligence is called an intelligent robot. The most popular one is a small robot from Japan called Pepper.    

Smart watch - MAKS TUŠAK

Smart watch is an intelligent tool that delivers important information. It helps you easily perform everyday tasks.  It connects you to the people and things you care about.  It is also a very important sport device. Many athletes use it to perform their activities, see their progress and as an encouragement for further sport-work. Fitness isn’t just about running, biking, or hitting the gym. It’s also about being active throughout the whole day. So Apple Watch measures all the ways you move, such as walking the dog, taking the stairs, or playing with friends. It even keeps tracking when you stand up and encourages you to move more and stand less. People use it for running, rowing, fitness, cycling or any type of sport they want. For example, while we are running the watch measures our heart beat, burned and active calories, time and distance. It delivers shaking impulses in order to remind us if we have run for instance 1 km, or if our power subsides. The watch provides a simple visual snapshot of your daily activity. It tells you how often you’ve stood up to take a break from sitting, how many active calories you’ve burned and how many minutes of brisk activity you've made. We try to complete each goal - brisk activity-time, burned calories and standing every day.

Neural network – JAN BOJOVIĆ

We use it for processing information. It works on the example of human or animal brain. The main structure is called neuron. Most known neural networks are Perceptron, SOM - Self Organizing Maps and Hopfield's neural network. It began in 1943 when two psychologists invented a computer model of neural networks, based on mathematics and algorithm. There are two types of neurons. One is human and the other one is artificial neuron. Both have a different structure and both are important for neural network. Human neuron is made of: soma, dendrite, nucleus and axon. Artificial neuron is made of: many inputs, set of weights, threshold, one exit and a programme. We use neural networks in medicine, factories, industry. Neural networks help in police for recognizing the voice, finger prints and many other things... They have many advantages and disadvantages. Neural networks help many people to ease their job but without people there wouldn't be any neural network.


AIBO (Artificial Intelligence Robot) is a series of robots designed and produced by a company named Sony. The first model came out in 1999 and new models were released almost every year until 2005. Most of the models were dog-like, some even similar to lion-cubs. They came to the market as ''entertainment robots'' but were also quickly adopted by universities as educational objects and as study objects for many researches. As they are able to upgrade their knowledge, learn more than 1000 commands, play, understand and respond to human actions and feelings and even replace real pets, they are also known as the most sophisticated product ever offered in the consumer robot market place and are very important in studying the Artificial Intelligence.


Cortana is Microsoft's personal assistant which is compatible with most Windows' devices. The development began in 2009 and it was presented in 2014. Cortana is named after Microsoft's videogame (Halo) character. Cortana can be used in the English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Chinese and Japanese language. For now, we can only use it in 10 countries. Cortana will help you find many different things on your device, browse the web, it will talk to you, etc. It can also tell jokes, throw the dice or coin. We can also activate it from across the room. Cortana is not permitted for people under 13 years old.

Computational linguistics - VERONIKA CVELBAR

Computational linguistics is interdisciplinary science which includes computer science and linguistics. Its main mission is to process natural languages. We know many different stages of language processing, from statistics to voice recognition and writing what one has said. The development of this science began in the 1950s when scientists tried to write a programme that could translate from Russian to English. Today it is used to ease the human-machine communication and machine translation.

Artificial intelligence - our doom or future? - INJA PREBIL

Artificial intelligence is an interdisciplinary field where its researchers try to programme technology to act and think as human beings (to learn, to take action by the help of previous experience, to know how to adapt to its environment). Advanced machines are already helping and replacing humans in the economy, medicine, warfare, etc. But, is it really wise to put so much trust in technology? Of course it brings a bigger profit for companies, helps us get by easier in our everyday lives, improves communications and so on, but we should be wary of the technology we make, especially if it starts to think as a human would. It could adapt faster than we could, think faster, be more supreme than us. Our own technology could overrule us. Like Darwin said: ‘It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.’ In conclusion, we should support progress in AI, but at the same time not be completely oblivious to the consequences that may come if we are too greedy about improvement and evolution.

Speech recognition – KAJA KUNAVER

Nowadays, we use speech recognition in our daily life even if we do not notice that. For example, when we text message to somebody and we want that the computer writes the text by our voice. Speech recognition is also very useful for blind or disabled people. We divide speech recognition into two sections: speaker identification (voice recognition; refers to identifying the speaker) and speech recognition (the programme translates speech into written language). Speech recognition is very complex and complicated, because it incorporates computer science, linguistics, and electrical engineering.


My article is about a program called Siri made by Apple Company. I chose this topic because I found it really interesting since I am an iPhone user, and I have this program installed on my phone. The program uses an algorithm that is getting bigger and smarter with every question we ask Siri. The base consumes all the questions that we ask and then finds the best answer it can give back to us. For more details look at my article in Slovene.

Volvo Intellisafe Auto Pilot - LUKA PODBORŠEK

Swedish car manufacturer Volvo developed an automatic system which works without driver’s control. This system is an auto pilot and is called Intellisafe Auto Pilot. Volvo is one of the most advanced car manufacturers in the world. They want to guarantee that by 2020 there will be no deaths in their vehicles. We use an auto pilot in cars, airplanes, ships, rockets … In the near future the auto pilot will relieve and replace driver’s control. Volvo first tested their auto pilot on SUV XC90. In the development centre in Swedish Goteborg they developed Intellisafe auto pilot. Volvo will start producing cars with the auto pilot in 2020. They equipped SUVs with many 360 degree cameras and sensors. Inboard there is a big LCD display which shows navigation and a route. The driver will activate the system by pressing buttons behind the steering wheel. If the vehicle isn’t able to continue the route, the driver has 1 minute to take control of the car. If he doesn’t do it, the car will safely stop. Auto pilots can be very helpful and useful but they also have bad features. During the drive they can cause minor damage that can lead to a traffic accident. I think that auto pilots need to improve before they can install them in vehicles.

Smart cars - ALJAŽ LOHKAR

This article is about an intelligent car made by Google Company. Smart cars are the future of our world and will be used by our children and grandchildren. I also found a lot about Google Company and their lifestyle (a few of them live in the company). My dream job would be developing a smart car for Google.

Robot Asimo - NIKA REMEC

Robot Asimo is a high technology robot designed and developed by Honda. The name of the robot comes from the sentence: ADVANCED STEP in INNOVATIVE MOBILITY, which describes the company. Honda started the development of Asimo in 1986 and reached his final look in 2005. Today the robot is 130 cm tall and weighs 50 kg. Even though the robot has a final look, the scientists are still developing functions of the robot. Asimo was developed for serving humans in daily life. The robot has a lot of extraordinary functions. He can jump on one foot (big progress in the field of balance), run, pour drink in a cup, walk backwards, talk… He can even show different signs with his hands and play football. Asimo was presented to the wider public in New York. He participated in different shows and he even visited Disney Land. A lot of people are afraid of artificial intelligence because they think that robots will take our jobs. Scientists guarantee that this is not the purpose of artificial intelligence at all (they will never be that competitive with humans). The purpose of it is to help us with monotone work in factories and to make our life more comfortable and easy. 

Lily, a pilotless airplane - URBAN LEČNIK SPAIĆ

Lily is a flying camera for people who are more concerned with getting the perfect shot than piloting a quadcopter. Shaped like a giant M&M with propellers, you can pull the Lily Camera from a backpack - it measures 3 inches high (8 cm) and roughly 10 inches square (26 cm) and weighs just 2.8 pounds (1.3 kg) - and toss it in the air and its motors will kick in automatically as the drone takes flight. The body is completely sealed, too, so along with flying it in the rain or snow, you can actually toss it into water. 

Autopilot - MIHA PALČIČ

The autopilot is a program that can independently control a vehicle. It is most widely used in aviation.  In planes it is used for control over altitude, speed, and the direction of the airplane. But autopilots are also used in cars, boats, civilian and military rockets. The programme can take full control of the vehicle, or just assist the driver. While autopilots for planes are practically perfected, those for cars are just being developed. In recent years the automotive industry has been developing autopilots for both cars and trucks and some can already autonomously control cars.  Although there are many different technologies, this article will focus on those in planes. 


The Turing test was made by Alan Turing in the late 1940s. It tests whether or not a machine shows intelligent behaviour and is therefore an artificial intelligence. To perform the test it takes 2 people and 1 computer (player A, player B & player C) that are all separated from each other. Player C (human) communicates with both other players (1 human, 1 computer) and through the conversation decides which of the players is human and which is not. The test is passed when the computer convinces player C it is human.

iRobot – HANA KOS

iRobot is a company that was founded by Rodney Brooks, Colin Angle and Helen Greiner in 1990. They were very educated about robots and engineering. At the very beginning they worked with NASA - they helped building smaller robots that were later sent to space. They also made a robot that was destroying mines. Their company grew larger and they became famous when their 1st robot for home use was released. 
A robot named Rombaa was first released in 2002 and it’s a vacuum cleaner that works on its own. Its shape is round, it is only 9 centimetres tall and 34 centimetres wide. The robot works with the technology called iAdapt, which directs the robot with many sensors. It scans your house and remembers where the walls are, so it never crashes into one. Furthermore, it also makes its path where to clean and it makes sure that every part of the floor is vacuum cleaned. Each year the company included more benefits to the robot - one of the biggest changes was that the owner could supervise the robot from work with an app from his phone. The newest iRobot also includes “virtual walls”, which help Rombaa to orientate faster. Rombaa can also detect pets and other kinds of moving. iRobot has already sold more than 10 million Rombaas worldwide. Recently they have also released the 2nd robot for home use named “Scoobo”, which is a Rombaa upgrade - it doesn’t vacuum clean but it cleans with water. 

Natural language processing – ILIJA MUKAETOV

In my article I talk about natural language processing, which is a field of artificial intelligence. I wrote about the definition of the field, the history of natural language processing, I also included its main functions and tasks and I ended the article with the main goal of the field or in other words - what the main purpose of the natural language processing is.